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Malone Alone

Tommy Malone is on his own these days. Here's how he's doing.

Recently, our friends at ABIS Productions caught up with subdude Tommy Malone to videotape him during one of his solo performances. Here are their notes:

Seeing Tommy Malone perform by himself is always a treat. His solo shows display many talents – powerful vocals, smooth slide guitar playing and even feet and hand percussion elements. He sings of his coming home to New Orleans after Katrina, of romances fleeting and passionate, and about naked hippy dancing.

Malone's voice has a character that has yet to fully translate to recordings, and it is more soulful live. As these videos show, there's more to his solo show than a guy with an acoustic guitar. He plays tonight at 8 p.m. at Chickie Wah Wah as part of regular Tuesday night series. Check Chickie Wah Wah's website in February to see if it continues.