My Spilt Milk

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The Sound of Voodoo

We're going into the weekend with a Voodoo playlist as a thank you and consolation prize for all of you who entered but didn't win our tickets to Voodoo 2017.

If you hoped to win tickets to see this year’s Voodoo Music and Arts Experience through us but haven’t heard from us, then it’s time to open the wallet. The winners have been notified. We appreciate your responses, energy and creativity as this was easily the biggest response to a contest we’ve ever had—almost a hundred of you entered on Instagram, where I was impressed by the passion for Kendrick Lamar and the breadth of excitement for down-poster bands. I didn’t see a consensus must-see, but there was a lot of love for a lot of bands. I’m looking forward to seeing Miguel, Benjamin Booker, and Durand Jones and The Indications almost as much as Kendrick Lamar and LCD Soundsystem, and I’m curious to see if The Black Angels, whose psychedelic, droning garage rock hits me live the way it seems like it should but doesn’t in the studio.

We also had nearly a thousand entrants on Facebook and almost 1,400 entrants on Twitter. One person also sent a photo of her spilt milk to try to tip the scales in her favor. It didn’t work, but the effort made my day.

As our way of saying a quick thank you to all who entered the contest, I have compiled a Spotify Voodoo playlist. I have tried to keep it reasonably recent instead of repping an artist with a four-year-old track, and I have sequenced it to mimic the festival experience, moving from sound to sound rather than cordoning off the rock, the electronic music, and the pop. I made an effort to have the best known and least known acts next to each other, and almost everybody is represented. (If fans of Superduperkyle, DJ Gracie, Otto, Herb Christopher, and S.K.B. and YSTRLY can point me to their music on Spotify, I’ll update the playlist to include them as well). 

Between now and Halloween, we’ll keep an eye on Voodoo artists. Today on our Facebook page, we posted a remix of a new Spoon track by LCD Soundsystem’s Tyler Pope. In the next few weeks, we’ll also review new releases by Benjamin Booker and Chicano Batman. Naturally, I’ve already started to think about how we’ll preview this year’s Voodoo and what stories we need to tell. If you have thoughts about who or what we should talk about, we’d love to hear from you.