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The Tide is Up

The video of my Rising Tide panel, "Community or Commodity?" is online now.

Last weekend, Rising Tide 7 brought together many of New Orleans' prominent writers and participants in its cultural life to discuss the challenges the city faces. This year's keynote speakers were Lawrence Powell, author of The Accidental City, and Lolis Eric Elie, who spoke of the New Orleans' recursive war with its culture. 

The panels and presentations were videotaped, and they're online now including the panel I appeared on: "Community or Commodity?" about the selling of New Orleans' culture. The panel also includes writer Deborah Cotton, VCPORA's Meg Lousteau, LEH's Brian Boyles, filmmaker Mari Kornhauser and photojournalist and author John McCusker. The panel was moderated by Kalen Wright from

Community or Commodity? from Jason Berry on Vimeo.