Confusion Starts at Home

It turns out Lagniappe wasn't the only source pointing people to Kenner for the Homegrown Harvest Festival. Its own site did too.
In her explanation for the poor audience turn-out for the Homegrown Harvest Festival, producer Gypsy Elise De Sade Way pointed to The Times-Picayune's listings in Lagniappe as a source of the problem. It sent interested festgoers to Rivertown in Kenner - Homegrown Harvest's original site.
Lagniappe wasn't the only source pointing people to Kenner, though. The festival's website still listed the event as taking place at Rivertown on the Craft Vendors page, which announces in very large letters that it has "UPDATED" information. "Homegrown Harvest Music and Arts Festival will be held on the grounds of the Historic area of Rivertown, located in Kenner, LA. Located just 20 minutes from New Orleans and 50 minutes from Baton Rouge. We are conveniently only 3 miles from the New Orleans International Airport," the page reads. Evidently the correct location wasn't part of the update, though the correct date and the specification that Homegrown Harvest was an indoor/outdoor event were. The Vendors Page has the right venue but the wrong date, listing the original September 21-23 dates instead of the November dates.
To be fair, these pages were intended for specific audiences. The home page and pages most immediately aimed at potential festgoers did have the correct information, though I can't quote it or take a screen shot of it because the website has been revised to remove the date, location, schedule, and any information about the festival. The home page has had all of its links removed and doesn't lead anywhere.