Decking New Orleans' Halls

This week's musical highlights include Christmas shows with DJ Soul Sister, Kermit Ruffins, Curren$y an St. Cecilia's Asylum Chorus.
This week, you can't miss a Christmas party if you go out at night.
[Updated] Friday: Howlin' Wolf's 24th Anniversary with Rebirth Brass Band, Joe Krown Trio, 10 p.m., The Howlin' Wolf: The Wolf has come a long way from a small folk venue in Fat City to a two-room entertainment complex in the Warehouse District. (tickets) Also on Friday: Awesomely Ugly Holiday Sweater Party with The Local Skank, Daria & The Hip Drops and the White Beach Vocal Club, 8 p.m., Hi-Ho Lounge; Egg Yolk Jubilee CD-release party, 10 p.m., d.b.a.; Soul Sister's Soul Glo Christmas Jam with Hot 8 Brass Band, DJ Soul Sister, 10 p.m., Tipitina's (tickets)
Saturday: Dash Rip Rock CD-release party, King Louie's One Man Band, The Cons and Prose, 10 p.m., Siberia: Dash Rip Rock is relentless onstage and off, and it's back with a new album, Black Liquor, on Jello Biafra's Alternative Tentacles label. (tickets) Also on Saturday: Rotary Downs, Luke Winslow-King, 10 p.m., Le Bon Temps Roule; Flow Tribe's Winter Wonderfunk, The Scorseses, 10 p.m., Tipitina's (tickets)
Sunday: Roseanne Cash, Luke Winslow-King, 9 p.m., Tipitina's: Roseanne Cash is one of those rare artists who has matured in interesting ways and remained compelling at each point in her career. (tickets) Also on Sunday: Amy LaVere, Peter Rowan, 10 p.m., The Circle Bar
Monday: GDA 2.0 and Amanda Shaw, 10 p.m.,d.b.a.: Glen David Andrews and Amanda Shaw have always seemed like an unlikely musical duo, but they have a lot of fun performing together. This night is a benefit for Covington Early Head Start. Attendees are encouraged to bring a new, unwrapped toy for a child's Christmas. Also on Monday: Volcanoes, Glish, Gallyknapper, 10 p.m., The Circle Bar
Wednesday: Kermit's Annual Birthday Bash ft. New Orleans Ladies: Mia Borders, Sasha Masakowski, Ingrid Lucia, Meschiya Lake, Nayo Jones, Mykia Jovan, 8 p.m., House of Blues: In 2009, Ruffins released a good Christmas album, Have a Crazy Cool Christmas, and yearly he plays a star-studded holiday show at the House of Blues. (tickets)
Thursday: Curren$y's Light Up the Tree Holiday Show, 9 p.m., House of Blues: Few artists have made marijuana so integral a part of their public and artistic persona, and few have made it pay off for them as well as Curren$y has. It clearly fuels his creativity, but it also helps shape it, as his songs present him engaged yet slightly remote from the world around him. I have to know how this translates to the holiday season. (tickets)
Sunday night at 6, St. Cecilia's Asylum Chorus will lead the Krewe of Carolers in caroling around the Algiers Point neighborhood. Caroling will start at McDonough Park (400 Block of Verret Street) and end at the Old Point Bar, where the singing will continue.
Monday night at 10, The Saint will hold its Christmas Party, an appropriately irreverent affair for those with a complex relationship with the holiday. Naughty Santa will return, and DJ Pasta will be on hand to spin Christmas music.
Judith Owen & Harry Shearer’s Holiday Sing-A-Long is like a classic Christmas variety special brought to the stage with comedy and music courtesy of the hosts and guests The Pfisters Sisters, Leah Chase, Philip Manuel, David Torkanowsky, Tom McDermott, Phil DeGruy and Matt Perrine. But its heart is the sing-along, particularly the extremely participatory "12 Days of Christmas," which are all about the joy of getting out of yourself and singing with others, even when you aren't very good at it. It takes place Tuesday and Wednesday at the Contemporary Arts Center.
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Updated 3:15 p.m.
The listing for Judith Owen & Harry Shearer’s Holiday Sing-A-Long was added.