Emeril's 3B's, Hell Yes, A Love Song, New Pornographers and Jon Dee Graham

Our highlights for the week ahead include comedy, live documentaries, food in Champions Square, and Atmosphere, Thee Oh Sees, and Tim Easton.
Our highlights for the week ahead include comedy, live documentaries, food in Champions Square, and Atmosphere, Thee Oh Sees, and Tim Easton.
Friday: The New Pornographers, The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, 9 p.m., Civic Theatre: Those in love with The New Pornographers’ 2005 album Twin Cinema are bummed that the primarily Canadian indie pop band has taken its foot off the accelerator. I think more carefully chosen tempos allow A.C. Newman and Dan Bejar’s songs to breathe better. (tickets) Also on Friday: Soul Rebels, Corey Henry & Treme Funktet, 10 p.m., Tipitina’s (tickets); Andrew Duhon, Brian Wright, Sarah Quintana, 10 p.m., One Eyed Jacks (tickets); JoyCut, 9 p.m., The Beatnik (tickets); Charlie Megira, Lord High Panther, 10 p.m., Circle Bar; Davis Rogan CD-release show, 9 p.m., Hi Ho Lounge
Saturday: Timeflies, Kap Slap, The HeyDaze, 8 p.m., House of Blues: The pop EDM duo with hip-hop leanings has cultivated its audience with Timeflies Tuesdays, when they release a new video each week of their version of a well-known song (tickets); Spider Bags, James Arthur’s Manhunt, Frail, Neat, 10 p.m., Gasa Gasa (tickets); Lost Bayou Ramblers, 11 p.m., d.b.a.; O’Death, Lonesome Leash, Lowland Hum, 9 p.m., The Beatnik (tickets)
Sunday: Tim Easton, 9:30 p.m., The Beatnik: Americana singer/songwriter Tim Easton wears his Dylan on his sleeve. His 2013 album Before the Revolution is a good overview of his years recording for New West Records. His voice, presence and persona are those of an underdog, but he never gives in to it. (tickets); Prom Date, Might Mountain, Fancy Pants, 9 p.m., Gasa Gasa (tickets); Marsha Ambrosius, 7 p.m., House of Blues (tickets)
Tuesday: Atmosphere, Prof, deM atlaS, DJ Fundo, 8 p.m., Tipitina’s: Atmosphere’s Slug and Ant are indie hip-hop icons, but this year’s Southsiders is very much of a piece with their previous albums—more another chapter than another album—with slightly austere beats and character-driven rhymes. (tickets) Also on Tuesday: Dope Body, Roomrunner, 10 p.m., Circle Bar; Big K.R.I.T., Two-9, 8 p.m., House of Blues (tickets)
Wednesday: Thee Oh Sees, Jack Name, 10 p.m., One Eyed Jacks: Thee Oh Sees are as prolific as they are psychedelic, as demonstrated by the beautifully textured Drop, which came out earlier this year. (tickets) Also on Wednesday: Filmstrip, 10 p.m., Circle Bar; Netherfriends, AF the Naysayer, 9 p.m., Gasa Gasa (tickets); Brazilian Girls, 9 p.m., The Howlin’ Wolf (tickets)
Thursday: Jon Dee Graham, 6 p.m., Ogden Museum of Southern Art: Austin’s Jon Dee Graham has the gruffness of a man who’s seen and done a lot, the vulnerability to still have his heart broken by much of, and the writing chops to get it all into songs that always sound real. Also on Thursday: Irvin Mayfield and NOJO, The Breton Sound, 8 p.m., House of Blues (tickets); Justin Townes Earle, Cory Branan, 8 p.m., One Eyed Jacks (tickets); Steel Pulse, Billy Iuso and Restless Natives, 9 p.m., Tipitina’s (tickets); Frode Gjerstad Trio, Steve Swell, 10 p.m., Allways Lounge
Other Stuff
Friday, filmmaker Sam Green and Yo La Tengo will be at the Contemporary Arts Center at 7:30 p.m. to perform The Love Song of R. Buckminster Fuller, a “live documentary” on the neo-futurist architect and thinker. (tickets)
Emeril Lagasse Foundation’s Boudin, Bourbon and Beer has grown to occupy Champions Square this year starting at 6 p.m. It is a food and drink festival focused on the titular Three B’s, this year with music by Grace Potter, Americana group The Lone Bellow, Cajun band Pine Leaf Boys, Cajun indie rock band Sweet Crude, and the Saint Claude Serenaders. (tickets)
HIP Fest is a two-night improvised music festival featuring members of the local community as well as visiting musicians William Parker, Rob Mazurek, and Gianluca Petrella. On Tuesday night at the Blue Nile, they’ll perform in duos and trios with Simon Lott, Nathan Lambertson, Cliff Hines, James Singleton, Dave Cappello, Marcello Benetti, and Jeff Albert. On Wednesday night, Parker, Mazurek, Petrella and Johnny Vidacovich will perform with Redrawblak (Brad Walker, Aurora Nealand, Paul Thibodeaux plus James Singleton), also at the Blue Nile. (tickets Tuesday and Wednesday) (information)
Wednesday night marks the opening of this year’s Hell Yes Fest—The New Movement’s annual stand-up, sketch and improv comedy festival. The participants’ names aren’t big this year, but in the past The New Movement’s had a good eye for talent and Hell Yes Fest has been remarkably consistent. The festival starts a night of local stand-up at Cafe Istanbul at 8 p.m. and continues at a number of venues on and around St. Claude Avenue until Sunday night’s closing stand-up show at The Hi Ho Lounge. (information)
Comedian Lewis Black began as a playwright, but one of the few jobs that pays less than stand-up comedian is playwright. When friends found his rage funny, a career was born. He’ll play the Mahalia Jackson Theater Thursday at 8 p.m. (tickets)
‘tit Rex is Carnival’s only microkrewe, and on Thursday it will host its first Showfloat Auction, selling some of its finer floats from the festival’s history. The event takes place at the Art Klub at Michalopoulos Studio starting at 7 p.m. with cocktail hour, then the auction at 8. Proceeds go to help defray parade costs. (information)