Funeral Arrangements for Bo Dollis

The Big Chief of The Wild Magnolias will be laid to rest Saturday.
[Updated] Last week, Big Chief Bo Dollis of The Wild Magnolias finally succumbed to the illnesses that forced him to turn over the leadership of the Mardi Gras Indian gang and band to his son Gerard, who performs as Bo Dollis Jr. Dollis' funereal activities will take place Friday and Saturday.
There will be a public visitation Friday, January 30, from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Historic Carver Theater (2101 Orleans Ave.), and Saturday, January 31, from 8 to 10 a.m. at the Xavier University of Louisiana Convocation Center (1 Drexel Dr.).
The funeral will start Saturday at 10 a.m. after the visitation at the Xavier University of Louisiana Convocation Center. It will be followed by a dove release and a Mardi Gras Indian procession that will travel from 1 Drexel Drive to Earhart Blvd and Washington Avenue. Dollis will be interred at Providence Park Cemetery (8200 Airline Dr.), and it will be followed immediately by the repast at the Historic Carver Theater from 1-4 p.m.
“My husband was a decent and humble man who enjoyed sharing his experiences with everyone around him,” says his wife, Laurita “Queen Rita” Dollis. “Bo would have truly appreciated how the community has come together to remember him, and I can’t thank everyone enough for the kind words and works that they have given in preparation for these services. It will be a great day of celebration and mourning.”
For our thoughts on Dollis and a wrap-up of the tributes to him after he died, click here.
Updated 1 p.m.
The original photo was replaced with a shot by Erika Goldring.