How Disneylanding Happens, Pt. 29

[Updated] In today's T-P, James Gill analyzes a tourism "master plan"written for New Orleans by Boston-based consultants in 2009. I'd link to it, but I swear to God I can't find it on (if anybody can, send me the link and I'll update). Gill sees the now-defunct hospitality zone proposal as a direct result of this consulting group's recommendations:
The goal of the master plan is for New Orleans to attract 12.7 million visitors in 2018, up from 7.6 million in 2009.
Who goes to Disneyland? Tourists.
... and since derailed my linking, I'll take a moment to say, "Whatthehell?" The top stories as of writing:
1. Unity's new facility for the homeless
2. Former Liberian president Charles Taylor sentenced to 50 years
3. Slidell Little Theater makes posters
4. LSU softball team letter to the editor
5. Kenner playground makes improvements
6. Announcement of a Fourth District crime stat meeting
7. Fatal shooting at birthday caught on tape (the paper's top story)
8. An obituary
9. Steve Kelley's cartoon (such as it is)
10. Weather
11. Road closures
12. Metro community meetings
13. Elder abuse prevention in Slidell
14. Top five iPhone apps
That's what I supposed to look forward to waking up and reading? Three actual stories? And Taylor snuck in between when I started this post and when I got this section of it.
Update 11:26 a.m.
Since I posted this morning, Gill's piece was posted at The link has been added and my vexation has been stroked out.