Junkie, The Devil, and Gangsta Shit

This week's Freshly Spilt Milk previews a number of shows coming to New Orleans and includes new music from Pell, Dan Farber, Elohim, and Jacob Plant.
This week's Freshly Spilt Milk previews a number of shows coming to New Orleans and includes new music from Pell, Dan Farber, Elohim, and Jacob Plant.
1. “Hello/Be With You” (Slow Magic remix) - Giraffage: Slow Magic and Giraffage are on tour with Lindsay Lowend and Dactyl, and they’ll come to The Republic November 7 (minus Lowend).
2. “Vacation (Whole Week)” - Pell: Pell’s Floating While Dreaming was one of my favorite albums out of New Orleans last year, and it’s good to hear new music from him.
3. “Mischief” - Space Race & KTRL: The Brooklyn-based DJ duo hit their sweet spot about a minute into this track when the bass sounds get good and weird.
4. “Something for Carl Cox” - Erick Morillo: A subtly compelling tribute to the British techno DJ.
5. Driving Blind” (Kodak to Graph remix) - Deebs & Jarell Perry: Iranian-American producer Kodak to Graph plays with textures of this R&B track so that something is trying to get your attention throughout the track. The results aren’t ADD as much as they’re insistent.
6. “Along” - Teen Daze: Vancouver’s Teen Daze commits to the departure from the chillwave he was toeing away from on Morning World, the new album he recorded with producer John Vanderslice. It will be out August 14, and he’ll play Gasa Gasa October 2.
7. “Let it Happen” - Husky: A cover of Tame Impala that slowly, attractively unfolds by the Melbourne, Australia-based band. (LINK)
8. “Nowhere to Go” - Faux Ferocious: Infinity Cat Recordings has its limited edition cassette series, and this is from the second in this year’s series by Nashville’s Faux Ferocious. It’s due out September 4.
9. “Everybody” - Gardens & Villa: Rock band Gardens & Villa will release their new album, Music for Dogs, on August 21 on Secretly Canadian, and they’ll play Gasa Gasa September 20.
10. “Never Trust a Junkie” - Dante Elephante: Dante Elephante’s Ruben Zarate found a sympathetic producer in Foxygen’s Jonathan Rado, who likes a pop song as good as this one as much as he likes a little sonic mess to keep things from getting too neat. From the album Anglo Saxon Summer, due out October 2.
11. “Blur” - LVL UP: Brooklyn’s LVL UP will play The House of Blues’ Parish Saturday night in support of the rock band’s new three-song single, which includes this Mentos Diet Coke fountain of a song.
12. “Bright Red” - Stolen Jars: Cody Fitzgerald and Molly Grund’s music often sounds in danger of being blown away by a mild breeze, but the looped percussion and the resilience Grund slowly shows in her vocals anchor the song without adding weight.
13. “Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea” (Rex Riot remix) - XYLØ: Washington, D.C. producer Rex Riot gives this track by the rock band from London a beefy, dubstep chorus.
14. “Octavist” (Mark Fell remix) - Lakker: Lakker’s original version of “Octavist” on Tundra is pretty arctic, but Mark Fell figured out how to make it lonelier. Your only consolation while listening is that at least you have the mechanical spiders to keep you company.
15. “Serious” - :Dface: Producer :Dface is in a ridiculously prolific place right now, with five tracks in five weeks. This is the strongest of the bunch, an electro-house track that gets more involved as it goes.
16. “Gangsta Shit” - Dan Farber: Farber pitches down an Ice Cube line and makes it the heart of this trap track.
17. “Slippin’ Slidin’” (Eric Copeland remix) - Slim Twig: Eric Copeland’s remix flirts with the monotony as he lets parts repeat with only subtle variations, but just when the track’s about to wear out its welcome, another element creeps in, tapping you on the shoulder to get your attention instead of whapping you in the face.
18. “Hunger” - Jacob Plant: Producer Jacob Plant will play the Voodoo Music Experience on the Halloween weekend in City Park. (LINK)
19. “Spaceship” - k-os: Toronto rapper k-os debuts a track from his upcoming album, Can’t Fly Without Gravity, August 28.
20. “Body Tonight” - Sharer: Electro-R&B that brings to mind the ‘80s, but with synth sounds no one in Shalimar ever imagined.
21. “Xanax” - Elohim: “I woke up to a heart attack,” she sings in a tone that seems to answer impending problems with an update of her Facebook status.