Last Night: Lolawolf Felt the Post-SXSW Blahs

Patrick Ainsworth shot Zoe Kravitz' electro-R&B band when it opened for Twin Shadow Tuesday night.
Based solely on its debut album, Calm Down, Lolawolf would find an audience for its dark, electronic R&B rended in the sort of not-found-in-nature electronic textures that defined '80s electropop. With Zoe Kravitz--the daughter of Lenny Kravitz and Lisa Bonet--as front person, it seems like Lolawolf should be big. The group were all over South By Southwest the weekend before it came to town to open for Twin Shadow Tuesday night, and the effort unfortunately showed.
Accounts from Austin suggest that SXSW was a challenge for Lolawolf, with soundmen regularly struggling with the band's sound, and while that wasn't an issue at The Republic, the band's energy was low. The audience was into them and Kravitz appeared to want to match its energy, but there didn't seem to be enough left in her tank after two shows a day for five days in Austin.
Still, there's no denying Kravitz's star-time looks and charisma.
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