Last Night: Sleater-Kinney Still Rage

Photographer Patrick Ainsworth was there for the band's sold-out show Sunday night at the Civic.
Sunday night, Sleater-Kinney’s victory lap came to a a sold-out Civic Theatre, but there wasn’t a hint of comfort, ease or self-satisfaction in night. Janet Weiss pushed the band with drum patterns that remain stiff and propulsive, and she’s at the heart of a band sound that is as kinetic and explosive as it ever was.
The odd, angular attack of their songs owed as much to The Gang of Four, The Raincoats, and the first post-punk generation as riot grrrl, and it made the few straightforward, garage rock moments like “Oh!” stand out not only as powerful songs but moments of musical clarity.
Corin Tucker’s voice remains a plaintive cry that shames everyone who who has wronged her and makes all offenses personal, while Carrie Brownstein is a rock star. The intensity of Sleater-Kinney registered on everybody onstage, but only Brownstein tapped into the raw physicality of their music and stepped away from her mic to rock out.
Photographer Patrick Ainsworth was there, and here are his highlights.