Musicians, Fans Bond over "Jagged Little Pill"

The second annual tribute concert to Alanis Morissette’s classic album from 1995 returns Friday, this time at Tipitina's.
NOLA musicians Alexis Marceaux (Sweet Crude) and Morgan Carson (The Kid Carsons) are leading a crew of local indie rockers at Tipitina’s Friday to pay tribute to the queen of '90s angst, Alanis Morissette.
Marceaux and Carson met five years ago out in Los Angeles at a show where both of their bands were set to play, and it was then they knew they wanted to put on an Alanis show. “We went out drinking after the show to celebrate and then we ended up talking about Alanis the whole night,” Carson says.
The tribute honors their mutual love for Alanis which, like for so many, came from growing up with her music as moody teenagers. Marceaux says Alannis was “obviously the cream of the crop for a '90s teenager,” and someone who changed how and what you could sing about.
“There were a lot of people doing cool stuff in the '90s, but musically she paved the way and was so out in the open with all that angst. I remember Jagged Little Pill coming out right around the time I in middle school becoming an angsty teenager, so it was perfect. I remember so vividly singing along in the car on the way to school and screaming fuck, and my mom hating it and being really empowered by that.”
Last year when Jagged Little Pill celebrated it’s 20th anniversary, the two took the opportunity to put on a tribute show in New Orleans, and people went nuts. “We thought she deserved a tribute for more, like, selfish reasons,” Marceaux says. “But, you know, after we did the first show, we saw grown ass men with full on beards screaming every word.”
“Yeah, it was so surreal,” Carson continues. “It was like what I imagine to be like a Beatles crowd with people screaming hysterically, everyone shoving up on the stage and Alexis and I were looking at each other like What is happening? But that’s when we realized not only did we want it but everyone wanted it, and since it turned 20 last year, that bordered on an actual reason to do the show.”