Nikki Lane Wants to Tighten Someone Up

Done with the "Walk of Shame," the country singer's ready to correct some attitudes, two-fisted style.
Friday, country singer Nikki Lane brings a lot of rock 'n' roll attitude to the House of Blues. We talked recently for The New Orleans Advocate about clothes, style, and getting by on nerve and commitment. We also talked about labels - the bane of most musicians' careers, and Lane's no different.
"What are we supposed to call [my music]? If you can’t call it something, I’m screwed. I think it’s rock ’n’ roll, and I have redneck accent. The two together sound like whatever you hear, but we have to put a name on it. That’s what they tell me. If you looked at my iTunes, people would be, ‘She’s not country!’ They’re buying pop country records, and I’m like, ‘Okayyyyy.’
I just finished reading The Louvin Brothers’ Satan is Real. Did you ever read that? Whooo! Neil Young wrote Waging Heavy Peace, and that’s as close to a bible as I’m into. Reading and hearing other people’s situations is the easiest way to stick this job out because you have to keep convincing yourself that it was as tough for the best dudes. Charlie Louvin wrote a story about him and his brother, and it’s amazing. It’s funny to hear about Little Jimmy Dickens knocking some guy out. Fistfighting! If you ran your mouth about another musician, you were bound to get popped in the face. What happened to that? I’d love to be able to get away with that shit. Just pop somebody in the face and let them know I wasn’t down with the tunes they were singing.
There was rock ’n’ roll back then in country and rock ’n’ roll, but it’s dead now. I know quite a few people who deserve a good ass-whuppin’ in exchange for all the money they’ve made making the music they’ve made. I asked my lawyer how much trouble I could get in for being the one to dole it out."