Rebirth Brings Live Music Back to The Howlin' Wolf

Rebirth Brass Band’s first night back at The Howlin’ Wolf, by Victoria Conway
On the Wolf’s first night with live music in more than a year, the show looked familiar but the crowd less so.
New Orleans allowed live music venues to reopen as of March 12, but The Howlin’ Wolf and Tipitina’s waited until Friday, March 19 to dip their toes back in that water. Since the current ceiling for indoor gatherings is 75 people, many venues remain strategic about how and when they’ll return. At that capacity, shows are goodwill gestures, not money-making propositions.
The Howlin’ Wolf scheduled Rebirth Brass Band for two shows to reopen the club on March 19, then followed that on Sunday with the Hot 8 Brass Band. The Wolf will continue to feature Rebirth on Fridays, Hot 8 on Sundays, and Comedy Gumbeaux on Thursdays through April. Big Sam’s Funky Nation will also play two shows on Saturday, April 3. Tickets to all these shows are on sale now.
The scene is very different from what fans remember from pre-pandemic days. Tickets are sold in pods of two to four, and even at brass band shows, there’s no dancing. Still, it’s live music in a New Orleans club again, and that’s a start.
By Victoria Conway
By Victoria Conway
By Victoria Conway
By Victoria Conway