Thieves Steal Alexandra Scott's Guitars

Friends have started GoFundMe campaign for her to help her replace Scott's lost instruments and finance the album she has been working on.
[Updated] This morning, Alexandra Scott wrote on Facebook:
$7000: value of my stolen guitars
$6000: total cost of the medical bills from last year that I've been paying off month by month and probably will be forever
$5000, so far: total cost of legal bills from fighting an assault case that I haven't been able to talk about on FB (luckily I have a very kind lawyer who's willing to accept some voice lessons in trade)
Yesterday: the moment I realized I'm never going to be able to release my nearly-finished album and that it's time to give up on this musician dream.
America, you have broken another one. Congratulations.
This assessment followed yesterday’s announcement that her house had been broken into, and that her guitars were stolen. “Please keep your eyes peeled for my beautiful green Gretsch, for a baby Taylor, and worst of all, for my handmade Nicholas Ioannou classical guitar, which is worth thousands of dollars but whose worth to me is priceless: it is the most beautiful and beloved guitar I own.”
The experience was made worse by NOPD taking nine hours to show up, but Facebook friends started circulating a photo of Scott with the Gretsch in the hope that someone will see it in a pawn shop somewhere. Her experience prompted another friend to start a GoFundMe campaign to help her deal with her losses and the album she has been working to complete.
I’ve written about Scott since 2004 when I first interviewed her after the release of Spyglass, and have long believed that she has one of the most affecting voices in the city. I wrote in The New Orleans Advocate in a piece that is sadly not online, "There's nothing theatrical in her singing, but her sadness sounds earned, her joy is felt, her heartbreak is painful, and much of it is modulated by humor--gallows, antic, or otherwise.” Few of her projects have come easily or without emotional costs (Exhibit A and Exhibit B), but she has found artistic value in the struggle. It would be a shame if someone with such interesting taste and musical ideas actually packed it in.
Updated July 20, 10:15 a.m.
Scott updated the appraisal of the value of her guitars and confirmed that the police took more than six hours--nine in fact--to arrive. The text has been changed to reflect this new information.
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