This Week's Panel

Another day, another media panel, another live-streamed event.
[Updated] So far, New Orleans has had two panels and one symposium to help it get a grip on its changing media landscape - what's one more? Tonight, the Press Club of New Orleans will host a "State of Print Media" forum at the De La Salle High School (5300 St. Charles Ave.) starting at 6;30 after a half-hour of networking time. WDSU's Scott Walker will be the host, and the panelists will be Kevin Allman (editor, Gambit), Greg LaRose (editor, New Orleans CityBusiness), James O"Byrne (editor, and Carl Redman (executive editor, The Advocate).
If you can't make it, New Orleans Digital News Alliance members My Spilt Milk, Uptown Messenger and The Lens will all stream the panel live starting at 6:30 p.m. NOLA Defender's taking a night off from live streaming. I'll have the player embedded in this post.
Updated October 13, 2:20 p.m.
The live stream player has been replaced with the video from the panel.