Win Tickets to See Dr. Dog

The Philly-based band will play the Civic Wednesday, and we're giving away tickets.
After indie rock band Dr. Dog played Chicago earlier this week, Kevin McKeough reviewed the show, writing
Dr. Dog's songwriting has grown considerably since their early days, and the Philadelphia band's improved craftsmanship was on display during their sold out, 90-minute show, even as their idiosyncrasies remained abundant.
the strengths of the performance argued for Dr. Dog's place on the continuum from late period Beatles to Neutral Milk Hotel to Wilco, bands characterized by their embrace of a wide palette of musical styles and adventurous arrangements. If their reputation doesn't yet approach those acclaimed names, their learning curve indicates they could get there still.
The band will play the Civic Theatre Wednesday, February 19 with Saint Rich opening, and we have a pair of tickets to give away. Register here for a chance to win; the contest closes Tuesday, February 18 at 5 p.m. Central.