Win Tickets To See Gardens & Villa

The synth-heavy, flute toting indie-band performs Sunday at Gasa Gasa.
The synth-heavy, flute toting indie-band performs Sunday at Gasa Gasa.
Adam Ramussen, synth player for the Santa Barbara-based indie band, Gardens & Villa, describes the group's music as being "like an impressionistic painting." His depiction is spot on. The clash of instruments, including flute solos and funky bass riffs behind haunting '80s synth beats, creates a colorful sound that exists very much in the moment with lyrics that reflect on themes of nature and mysticism.
The group's second studio album, Dunes, continues to build on the eclectic tunes that marked their self-titled debut, drawing inspiration from '60s psych-rock, '80s punk rock, and minimalist new wave. This time around, however, the lyrics focus more on storytelling, whether about conversations with strangers, exploring consciousness, or simply the joys of having some alone time.
Gardens & Villa perform at Gasa Gasa on Sunday, February 16, and My Spilt Milk is giving away a pair of tickets to the show. Register here for a chance to win. The contest closes Friday at 5 p.m.