A Bargain for A Love Song

My Spilt Milk readers can buy discounted advance tickets to see "The Love Song of R. Buckminster Fuller" at the CAC Friday night.
The Love Song of R. Buckminster Fuller is documentarian Sam Green’s “live documentary” on the futurist architect Buckminster Fuller, best known as the inventor of the geodesic dome. Green performs it with rock band Yo La Tengo performing the film’s soundtrack live. John Angelica of the San Francisco Gate described the presentation:
Standing stage right with the YLT trio bunched on the other side, Green spoke into the live mic to describe Fuller in broad ideas and precise details to a focused audience, periodically stepping back to let the projected film footage take over.
Sometimes this footage had synch sound (from Fuller himself or contemporary experts like Hsiao-Yun Chu) and sometimes the footage was accompanied by the live music — I’ll venture these extended (2-3 mins perhaps) musical interludes were the highlights for most in attendance. YLT’s poignant dream pop washed over without overpowering the images
Green and Yo La Tengo will bring The Love Song of R. Buckminster Fuller to the Contemporary Arts Center Friday at 7:30 p.m., and readers of My Spilt Milk can get a $10 discount on advance tickets by using the promo code MILK at check-out.
Look for more with Sam Green later in the week.