Saying Goodbye and Saying "RUN!"

This is a good week for heavy music and road trips to Baton Rouge.
Shows and events that should be on your radar this week.
Friday: Kevin Gordon, 8 p.m., Chickie Wah Wah: Nashville-based Americana artist Kevin Gordon relives his youth in North Louisiana on Gloryland, a smart, narrative-driven album that deals in part with the issues connected to growing up Southern in the '70s.
Saturday: The Futura Bold, Crushed Stars, 10 p.m., Circle Bar: James Hall moved to Atlanta after Hurricane Katrina, and New Orleans is a less musically dramatic place for his absence. His recordings with The Futura Bold have Hall's signature darkness and tension, but are - is it possible? - more pop?
Sunday: Jonathan Freilich and Naked on the Floor, 8 & 10 p.m., Snug Harbor: Guitarist Jonathan Freilich has always had a healthy sense of musical adventure that comes through clearly with Naked on the Floor. (tickets)
Tuesday: Clutch, Prong, Lionize, 8 p.m., House of Blues: A night of single-named hard rock veterans, with only Lionize to take the whole bill past three syllables. (tickets)
Thursday: A Go-Go Tribute to Chuck Brown feat. Brass-a-Holics, DJ Soul Sister, 10 p.m., Tipitina's: Go-go has been as Washington, D.C.-centric a form of funk as brass bands are here, but this special show pays tribute to its architect, who passed away earlier this year. (tickets)
Second Line in Memory of Uncle Lionel Batiste: Uncle Lionel Batiste passed away last weekend, and New Orleans' music community has been waiting for an opportunity to give him the send-off he deserves. It will start at Tuba Fats Square (1600 St. Philip St. in the Treme) at 5 p.m. (4 has floated around, but 5 has been confirmed), and it will end at Sweet Lorraine's at 7 p.m. where there will be a musical tribute to the late drummer for the Treme Brass Band.
Tipitina's Summer Sidewalk Sale: Friday night, Good Enough for Good Times and Gypsyphonic Disko will play the Free Friday show, and the club will sell Tip's memorabilia including T's, hats, concert posters and more. The sale takes place from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
The Running of the Bulls: Officially, "San Fermin in Neuva Orleans" includes a pre-party Friday night at The Sugar Mill and Saturday and Sunday night events at 12 Bar, but the main attraction is the Running of the Bulls, which starts at The Sugar Mill. Here, the runners are pursued by Big Easy Rollergirls armed with plastic bats. Runners are required to adopt the traditional wardrobe of white shirt and pants with the red scarf. The pageantry starts at 7:15 a.m.; the run begins at 8.
Cory Branan, Audra Mae, 8 p.m., Manship Theater in Baton Rouge: Bloodshot Records' recording artist Cory Branan has brings rock 'n' roll rambunctiousness to well-observed, often witty songs about how we live now. (tickets)
Shut Up and Play the Hits: The sayonara shows by LCD Soundsystem were filmed for the movie Shut Up and Play the Hits, which will screen in theaters one night only - Wednesday. Unfortunately, it's not showing in New Orleans at all. The closest theater showing it is the Rave Mall of Louisiana in Baton Rouge.