Win Tickets to See Lake Street Dive

The Boston-based pop swing band will play the House of Blues Wednesday, and we have a pair of tickets to give away.
When describing Lake Street Dive to a friend, I compared them jokingly to the Manhattan Transfer--someone trying to spilt the pop/jazz atom. When Rolling Stone named Lake Street Dive as one of the 10 artists you needed to know in 2014, Richard Gehr heard the same thing:
Launched as a country-jazz experiment at Boston's New England Conservatory in 2005, Lake Street Dive has evolved into the hardest-swinging pop quartet since Manhattan Transfer. Their upcoming second album, Bad Self Portraits, is a fresh, knowing collection of tunes that split the difference between Motown soul, Sixties pop zip, and British Invasion swagger.
According to singer Rachel Price:
We came out of the institutional jazz scene, so it was a mischievous and crazy thing to decide to play three-chord pop. We wanted to make music that would garner younger fans, but we grew up listening to the Beatles and ended up playing music our parents love. We didn't think about demographics, just 'let's play pop.
Lake Street Dive plays The House of Blues Wednesday night, and we have a pair of tickets to give away. Register here for a chance to win. The contest closes Wednesday at 10 a.m.