Win Tickets to See Mike Doughty

The outspoken writer, singer, and poet will play Gasa Gasa Saturday, and we're giving away a pair of tickets to the show.
Some people know Mike Doughty from his years in the alternative rock band Soul Coughing. Others know him in recent years for being open in hostility for the band, which he claims disregarded his interests and made the songs more atmospheric and less immediate than he intended. Last year, he recorded, Circles, an album of remakes of Soul Coughing songs has he intended them. When I interviewed him earlier this year, he insisted that he wasn’t trying to wrestle his songs back by doing so.
“I was trying to connect with the kid I was who wrote the songs,” he said.
On Saturday, Mike Doughty will play Gasa Gasa with a new album, Stellar Motel, and to perform what he calls “The Question Jar Show.” On Saturday, fans will be invited to write questions for Doughty and drop them in the jar. Between songs, he’ll draw questions and answer them, presumably with the wit and candor that he brings to interviews.
We have a pair of tickets to give away to the show. Register here for a chance to win. The contest closes Friday at noon.