Segall, Sucré, Black Lips and The Band - Sort Of

Our highlights for the week ahead include G-Eazy, Ty Segall, Cory Branan, The Weight, Mike Dillon, Sucré, Black Lips, and comedian Ron White.
Our highlights for the week ahead include G-Eazy, Ty Segall, Cory Branan, The Weight, Mike Dillon, Sucré, Black Lips, and comedian Ron White.
Friday: G-Eazy, Pell, DXXXY, 11 p.m., The Republic: A good night of semi-local hip-hop. G-Eazy is more Oakland-identified these days, and Pell moved to New Orleans from Jackson a few years ago. (tickets) Also on Friday: Flow Tribe CD-release party, Cha Wa, Seven Handle Circus, 10 p.m., Tipitina's (free); Royal Teeth, Coyotes, 9 p.m., Freret Street Publiq House (tickets); Rahim Glaspy, The Big Easy Brawlers, 10 p.m., Gasa Gasa (tickets); Slangston Hughes with Fo on the Flo, Tha Neighbors, Jon Brown, 10 p.m., House of Blues’ Big Mama’s Lounge (free); Ghostboxing Champion, Beautiful Sons, 10 p.m., The Howlin’ Wolf (tickets); Minos the Saint, YUMA, Eskimoses, 9 p.m., Gasa Gasa (tickets); Bipolaroid, The Junior League, Lovey Dovies, 10 p.m., Circle Bar
Saturday: Ty Segall, Wand, Babes, 10 p.m., One Eyed Jacks: Manipulator is Segall at his most classic rock, but his taste in classic rock is as cool as his taste in garage and punk, honing in on British blues rock at its most song-oriented, and psychedelia that’s strange down to its structure. (tickets) Also on Saturday: Bill Kirchen & Redd Volkaert, 8 p.m., Chickie Wah Wah; The Weight: Performing the Music of The Band, Papa Mali, 9 p.m., Tipitina’s (tickets); Mike Dillon’s End of Summer Bash w/ Mike Dillon Band, Rotary Downs, 10 p.m., Maple Leaf Bar
Sunday: Sucre, The Honey Trees, Merriment, 7 p.m., House of Blues: Stacy Dupree-King of Texas indie pop band Eisley has a side project with her husband, drummer Darren King of Mutemath and multi-instrumentalist Jeremy Lawson, of no one in particular. They released their second album, Loner, earlier this year. (tickets)
Wednesday: Black Lips, King Khan & BBQ Show, 9 p.m., Tipitina’s: The Atlanta garage punk band released Underneath the Rainbow earlier this year, and it broadens their sound, sometimes successfully. Their core recklessness is still intact though, and that’s what matters. (tickets) Also on Wednesday: Washed Out, Small Black, 9 p.m., House of Blues (tickets)
Thursday: Cory Branan, 8 p.m., The BEATnik: Bloodshot recording artist Cory Branan’s been a road warrior more or less on his own for more than a decade. His recent The No-Hit Wonder’s is getting critical love—it merits it—but he’ll play New Orleans as a solo. (tickets)
Other Stuff
Comedian Ron White made his name as part of the initial Blue Collar Comedy Tour, but he’s playing the decidedly non-blue collar Mahalia Jackson Theatre Saturday night. Alex Reymundo will open, and afterwards his wife, singer Margo Rey, will perform. (tickets)